Saturday, April 10, 2010

What Do We Have In Common?

I'm not sure why I like this title but lately (over the past couple of months) I have been feeling very driven by this question. I find myself looking at friends and wondering what it is we have in common that draws us together. My friends and I have different things in common, some things that are the same over and over, but generally we are all different with some very distinct things in common that keeps our friendship close together. My favorite subject by far is horses, always has been and probably always will be and I find that most of my close friends have that same factor in common with me. We can deviate and drift from subject to subject but at some point in time during our time together we are driven back to horses.
Like most things that 'we' like, horses for me have been a pleasure, desire, need (at some point), and a job that I hated. I wondered at one point, not to long ago, if I was really suppose to be involved in horses because I started to despise them. The one thing that I love to be around became a hated and despised part of my life. One day, when I was getting ready to go train for an endurance ride, I sat in my room and cried over the fact that I had to go out and ride my horse. How weird is that? You have to know me to know how much horses are a part of my life and how at one time in my life they defined who I was, they were how I was recognized in my family - the weird one who had to be with horses. And up until recently, they were still how I defined myself. I was on a mission to have horses and breed Arabians for show and endurance. And when I say mission, I mean mission at any and all costs. Then - something happened - I was working through a time when horses became a job instead of a pleasure and I felt as though I hit the bottom of the barrel. Right about that time, I was blackmailed to go to church.
Now horses are part of my life in a different way, horses are something that I have in common with other people but they don't define me. And over the last couple of months, I have been driven to ask other horse people what do we have in common? So I ask, can you name the animals that are named in the bible. For example, and probably the most popular one, is the similarity of Christ being compared to a lamb and a lion. So there are 2 of them, can you name any others that are specifically identified? I couldn't until recently when I noticed that the equine is the most recognized animal in the Bible, after the lamb. Go ahead look.....
Matt: 21:2 , 7Jesus sends his disciples into Bethphage and told them to "go to town and find a a donkey and a colt and to bring them to him....and brought the donkey and colt and laid their coats on them and He sat on the coats". Jesus was presented on the equines. Throughout the Book of Revelation, John sees the judgment book and as Christ opens each seal John sees angels riding a horse, Rev 6:2...a white horse and he who sat on it...went out conquering and to conquer. Rev 6:3....a red horse went out and to him who sat on it.....a great sword was given. Rev 6:5...a black horse and he who sat on it had a pair of scales. Rev ashen horse and he who sat on it had the name Death and Hades followed him.... First WOW!!! That's all I have to say. There was I thought a passage about Mary being carried on a donkey to Bethlehem before Jesus was born (altho I can't find it so maybe it's just a story) but what an amazing thing. God placed horses/equines in such a high stature. They carried Christ in the flesh to be announced as the Christ, and they are to carry the angels of judgment. What amazing comparisons. If you haven't been around a horse, you may not understand, but they take a charge over their owners when they are mounted. A charge of care that naturally born into them (altho people can take that out of them, they are born to it). I had wondered off and on what God's purpose is for me and worried about not knowing if I was on track with God's will and just running my own course but lately I realized that I have something in common with God. We had horses, they hold a charge in my life and in His plan, both past and future. It took me a long time to come to hear God's voice in this common ground but I'm glad I found something in common with my Savior and my God because our friendship is more important to me than anything else in my life.
What do we have in common? Are we friends for one reason or another? And how does that affect our relationship? Friendship is God's plan, even if we don't believe it. So I ask differently, what do you have in common with God?