I know I've probably written all I can about a horse right? Well maybe not- it seems I have a lot more to say about horses than I like to think. SInce I have such a strong drawing towards horses, I find that I love pictures of them, stories about them and movies (with any ending) about them. Since I wsas young and we did not grow up with much money, the only place that I could connect with a horse was in books, TV shows, and the infamous Triple Crown races. I loved to watch the entire day unfold at the Kentucky Derby where commentators would discuss and detail the short lives of the 3yr old horses running. Where they had been bred, who owned and trained them and what their odds were against the rest of the field. The first time I heard the story oo Secretariat was on Derby Day when the commentator compared Affirmed to Secretariat. The way that Affirmed ran was comparable to Secretariat's style and heart. And Affirmed was the last Triple Crown winner the infamous three races saw. And then again in 2006, the commentators found another recognizible fashion in Barbaro, a horse that was set to win the Triple Crown and on Derby Day they compared his heart to that of Secretariat's. Barbaro never finished the Preakness his heart to run was stronger than his body. I still love the races, I feel like I am flying when the horses run and I have no idea why. I have never ran in a race or been on a racing Thoroughbred and yet I feel them flying. Don't believe that horses can fly!? Look at this picture of Secretariat, all 4 feet off the ground, his stride was 28 feet long (thats from front heals on the ground 1 stride to back heals on the ground, I'd say that's about as close to flying as you can get on mammal. So why horses? And why the races? Well first of all they are upcoming beginning in April so there ya have it; and second, the movie Secretariat came out on DVD and I watched it for the first time a couple of weeks ago and then again on Saturday with Sydney and I heard something, something that I probably missed the first time through.

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