I love pictures of snow and winter, I really don't have an answer as to why because I literally hate winter and snow. Kind of ironic huh? I grew up in Northern Michigan where winter could literally stop all movement, altho rarely it did happen. When I was younger I would go out an dventure out in the snow but as I reached teenage years I would sit in the hous and brew over when the snow would leave and spring would show up. It is very common to sit in the cold weather and month of February to sit in the house and look at the cold winter weather and become a house bum and not move.
Winter is a good way to describe grief, its cold and when you hit it you don't want to move. I hit grief really hit it just recently. We lost Kaleb and Thad almost 10 months ago now but I was so adament about going back to work that I locked up my grief and kept it there...until recently, and now I don't want to move. This morning a friend posted a video on Facebook called "Dare You to Move" by Switchfoot. I have heard this song before and never really heard the words or cared to now what they really were until this morning. I guess I am desperate to find something to help me - move. (I also didn't realize that Switchfoot sang this song, Kaleb really liked Switchfoot.) Acts 17:28"for in him we live and move and have our being..." The song Dare You to Move says..... "dare you to move, dare you to move, like today never happened, today never happened..." I wonder if this song has a link to Acts 17:28? I wonder if the songwriter(s) were thinking about actual movement or the spiritual movement? When I first heard this song, some time ago, I only heard the chorus I recited above, nothing else in the song was standing out to me. This morning these lyrics stood out ..." there is tension here, between you would are and who you could be, between how things are and how they should be, dare you to move".
I've been struggling with devotions, depression, grief, anger, you name it...I've got it (altho most days I do a good job of hiding it). And in my struggle, I have surrounded myself with all kinds of books, one that an acquaintance sent me some time ago, Streams in the Desert. This morning, before getting online and seeing the Switchfoot post, I read this "sufferings are God's winds, His contrary winds, sometimes His strong winds....Obstacles out to set us singing.." And when I read this, I thought "oh yea that's what I'll do...sing!" And then I saw the Switchfoot post, and even through tears, I was signing along.
I'd love for my spirit to look like the picture of this fleeting dog, completely confident in the direction it is going and not afraid. Maybe I will move some day, maybe that movement will be out of fear and into confidence. "For in Him we live and move and have our being."

Welcome to the fall out
Welcome to resistence
The tension is here
The tension is here
Between who you are and who you could be
Between how things are and how they should be
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened
Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself?
Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go?
Salvation is here
I dare you to move.
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