I've spent many, many nights in the bathtub basically hiding out. I have always like to read books and I usually spend reading nights in a hot bathtub with a glass of wine and sometimes the occasional beer and read my way into a different world, time, era, place. I have spent many, many a night in a hot bath crying and complaining, trying to figure out who to talk to about my heart, and hiding from those around me. I have read books from murder mysteries to fantasy wildness, to trying to find a book that the author could tell me, relate to me, bring to me the exact words that describe what I am feeling and who I am becoming, with very little luck by the way. Then in September sometime, my daughter bought The Shack, and in October/November (I think), I took up reading again in my hot bath, and this is the book where I started. It was what I desired; a book that the author, wrote about an encounter post a tragic event in the main characters life. The description, details, and emotions that poured from the author's hand to the page expressed and delivered something that I related to immediately. He brought to life a picture of what I needed, wanted, longed for in the future, and it brought something that I had been looking for.. no not answers. I finished The Shack, not as quickly as my daughter wanted. Then hovered around trying to find something else, something that would bring more detail and life to the place that I am living in, once again without luck.
After a couple months and searching and giving up on more to read, I was watching something and there was an author talking about a book she had finished, Choosing to SEE. I couldn't buy the book fast enough, which was much harder than you would think and finally found it at a poodunct Walmart, the last one on the shelf. I knew the story or at least part of the story from TV and news media but I only knew a little bit of the story. I bought this book writen by Mary Beth Chapman and I knew some of the story of the Chapman family. I knew that their daughter, age 5, was struck by a car in their driveway, a car being driven by their 17 yr old son, and I knew that their daughter was lost shortly after being admitted to the hospital. That's what I knew, that's really all I knew, what I found out was the whole story. This mother of a family of 6 children and wife of a well known Christian singer, Steven Curtis Chapman, wrote about their life starting with their daughter, about the life that they lost, and about the way she felt then, during, and now. So, I am plagerizing today. I am taking parts and pieces of this mother's words that I relate to, the moments in time that she is in and going through, so I plagerize.
"When people as how we are doing, the first thing I always say is 'I want Maria back. I want my son Will Franklin not to have this as a chapter in his story. I want my childrent to be healthy, my family secure. I don't really care whose life has been touched or changed because of our loss!' That is the heart of a mother who lost a daughter and is determined not to lose another child."
I wish I could be this open, this true to people when they ask me how I am I could tell them exactly the way I feel, exactly like these words.
"The quickest way for anyone to reach the sun and the light of day is not to run west, chasing after the setting sun, but to head east, plunging into the darkness until one comes to the sunrise." Jerry Sittser - quote picked by Mary Beth Chapman at the beginning of a chapter.
I don't like this statement, altho over the past 10 months I believe it to be true, even tho I avoid the fact that I am running ever so desperately further into the darkness by chasing the sunrise to the west. Why? Because I can see a little bit of light left and am comfortable seeing that glimmer of setting sunlight to stay out of the dark chasing me from behind.
"Maria, I'm sad. Brokenhearted and wounded. You are momentarily gone from me, taken without notice, way too soon for my liking. Mommy has been so sad. I know you wouldn't want me to be but I long for the way things were and wonder why they have to be the way they are."
I say these words to Kaleb and Thad probably daily and I say them under my breath, alone at home or in the car going somewhere, sitting at the cemetary between them, and this is not to my liking.
"..this grief I can't express is deeply personal and isolating. I makes me very sad. Sometimes I can't breathe it hurts so bad. Everybody has loved on me, but the tears still come."
"Sometimes it is 10 steps forward and 5 steps back, and sometimes it is one stip forward and twenty steps back, but I'm moving..."
"Maria's birthday. I honestly don't know what to write or what to say. I can think of all the "right things to say, like, "I'm thankful for the years I had with Maria." That is a true statement, but I still want more years with her. I've heard thinks like, "She wasn't mine to begin with." That is a true statement as well. She belongs to God. He gave her to me so that I could be her mommy. But I still want to be her mommy...I wasn't prepared to give her back to the One who gave her to me."
I can say with all my heart these are thoughts, feelings, and yes words that I have felt and/or heard. And this mother, Mary Beth, gave those moments words, something that has been a relief to me because I have no way to say these things yet and I didn't know how to make them come out in a clear thought.
"Here is what I feel as this day starts out. Sad beyond sad that she isn't here. Angry and mad that this had to happen. Confused and bewildered that it had to involve Maria's big brother, who absolutely adored her. Paralyzing fear that I won't be able to pull through the pain and be able to completely let her go. Speechless to know how to grieve my baby girl... "
I read this last night and marked it, why? This was written on My 21, 2009, the 1 yr date of Maria's passing and in complete fear of reaching this date in my life, I look to these words to find out what to expect. Not that this life is the same as the Chapman's life, but someone who is giving words to what she is feeling, where she was at and what she was seeing. I feel speechless beyond words most days, and with this date coming without warning, in my opinion, this date is coming without warning, I find myself trying to make the days longer.
"I told someone yesterday that I feel as though I'm not just walking through a desert right now...I'm wandering in it with no clear path in front of me. It is a very desperate place to be, and on lots of days I'm strong on the outside but a mess on the inside."
I've actually wrote about this type of feeling, being in a desert, alone and not seeing a path of where to go next, this statement speaks more than mounds - it speaks the truth of the place where I see myself walking.
"God is either a truth of a lie. Everything He has said and promised is either 100 percent true, or it is lie after lie after lie."
There's more to this beginning of the paragraph, but these few statements say everything that means anything. It is not a middle ground (altho that would be where I'd like God to be), He is either one or the other. Somedays He is 100% truth and other days, on the bad bad days, He seems to me 100% lies. What I have been through lately is deciphering what 'man' says God says, that's actually how 'we' believe we are led by 'man'. What I am learning, and I hope it is God showing me and not just me, is that God is 100% truth even tho I don't like it (which I don't) and somewhere I'm going to not just know this I'm going to believe it.
"Lord, I trust you...help my unbelief. That is where I am, slowly, slowly wallowing through this complex journey God has set before us.."
I have this unbelief, I guess it goes back to the statement above; my hope is that I am not the one directly my steps and God is getting me through my unbelief, even if it is ever so slowly.
I don't have permission to share these quotes that why I stated I was plagerizing at the beginning. I am glad, even through tears in the bathtub, that I bought this book even though in essence I thought I knew the story. I'm hopeful that this desert will end up showing a path and that knowing God is 100% truth will become more than a knowledge but a real truth again. I am desperate to know that someday, at some time later in this journey, my unbelief will be undone. I have thought about thanking Mary Beth for sharing this heartbreaking journey, I haven't but I've thought about it. I hope that she knows that her words have said things that my heart feels and her hope 2 years later is helping me, even though I'd like to deny it. So thank you Mary Beth Chapman for bringing life to heartbreak, life to feeling and words to express the heartbreak that a mother feels. Thank you for letting me know that my unbelief is ok and someday its going to fade and be replaced and God knows when that will happen and He's here with me and my family. Thank you for bringing truth to sadness and grief and that even tho I will never get over this I will get through it.
A glass of wine, a hot bath and life, that's where I'm at, where I can hide, where I'm learning about this journey.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
A Glass of Wine, A Hot Bath, And....
Posted by Theresa at 8:10 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Northern White Rhino

Posted by Theresa at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
His Part and 'his' Part
I love plays, I love the way they actors are right in front of you, and it generally doesn't matter what kind of play it is even if it was also a movie. I love the way a the actors take on the part that they are cast and how they make that character come to life. And, if you've never been to a play, you can see how the person makes the character they are portraying come alive in their own mind and then on the stage. And every actor, no matter who they are, can portray the same character and bring that character to life in a different way. It's amazing to me how a person can imitate a character, either a real character of fictitious, and make me believe that they are that person. My life is exactly the same way; there are people in this life that appear to be whom they really are not- they are acting (or at least that's the way it appears).

Posted by Theresa at 7:56 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 14, 2011
A Horse
I know I've probably written all I can about a horse right? Well maybe not- it seems I have a lot more to say about horses than I like to think. SInce I have such a strong drawing towards horses, I find that I love pictures of them, stories about them and movies (with any ending) about them. Since I wsas young and we did not grow up with much money, the only place that I could connect with a horse was in books, TV shows, and the infamous Triple Crown races. I loved to watch the entire day unfold at the Kentucky Derby where commentators would discuss and detail the short lives of the 3yr old horses running. Where they had been bred, who owned and trained them and what their odds were against the rest of the field. The first time I heard the story oo Secretariat was on Derby Day when the commentator compared Affirmed to Secretariat. The way that Affirmed ran was comparable to Secretariat's style and heart. And Affirmed was the last Triple Crown winner the infamous three races saw. And then again in 2006, the commentators found another recognizible fashion in Barbaro, a horse that was set to win the Triple Crown and on Derby Day they compared his heart to that of Secretariat's. Barbaro never finished the Preakness his heart to run was stronger than his body. I still love the races, I feel like I am flying when the horses run and I have no idea why. I have never ran in a race or been on a racing Thoroughbred and yet I feel them flying. Don't believe that horses can fly!? Look at this picture of Secretariat, all 4 feet off the ground, his stride was 28 feet long (thats from front heals on the ground 1 stride to back heals on the ground, I'd say that's about as close to flying as you can get on mammal. So why horses? And why the races? Well first of all they are upcoming beginning in April so there ya have it; and second, the movie Secretariat came out on DVD and I watched it for the first time a couple of weeks ago and then again on Saturday with Sydney and I heard something, something that I probably missed the first time through.

Posted by Theresa at 7:56 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Hope for the Best, Expect the Worst
I lived by this for most of my life, and sometime between 2008 and 2010 I stopped living by it and I'm not sure when that happened. I had always lived in hoping for the best, hoping that things would work out, hoping that this or that would end up the way "it should". And then inevitably expecting the worst of the situation and living in fear. That's how I lived my life and when that part of my life stopped, still have no idea when or how that happened, things changed in my life. I really didn't pay much attention to how things would turn out, how things played out or what would happen or not happen. That changed on April 24th, 2010, I almost immediately reverted back to expecting the worst and living in fear.
I am reading a book, trying to figure out how to persevere thru this time in my life, and came across this quote "We're not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be." - C. S. Lewis. This is the nicest way I have come across for my proverb to be relayed. Don't you agree? I mean it is exactly that when you strip away the nicities. "We're not necessarily doubing that God will do the best for us" - Hope for the Best. That's what this fragmented sentence says when you get down to it. I believe God has only the best plan for me, I hope that the best is coming. "We are wonding how painful the best will turn out to be" - Expect the Worst. Right? That's what this fragmented sentence says, expect the worst. So taken together the statement this wonderful, soul searching, heart bending, statement, says hope for the best, expect the worst.
I have to say when I read this statement it spoke to me volumes of words. It said that I am doubting even tho I am standing on truth. I am standing on promises that may not come to fruition. I am holding on to something that is going to be heartbreaking. This morning I shared this quote with my Facebook friends and they read this statement in the same fashion. I left the computer for a moment, ok maybe longer, and came back to find some responses to the posting and I re-read the statement. That's when it stood out to me as 'hope for the best, expect the worst'.
I am living in this statement again, living in hoping that God has the best plan for me and only living in fear, and expecting the worst outcome. And I dwelled on this belief this morning for a while and then picked up my book once more and retraced what I had read in the previous 2 chapters and this is what I found. John 14:2 "In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you." Why this scripture? Why was this standing out? Doesn't it sound like something above? Maybe not exactly but I think it reads like this "Hope for the Best and Prepare for the Best". Ok so not exactly like my live by saying, and yet it stood out.
I haven't reached through the expecting the worst to find the hope of the best. I think I'm just moving slowly or being held here for a little while-longer. I'm trying to stay hopeful, hopeful that the best is in the plan even tho I don't see it or maybe I don't want to see it (yet) but in the meantime, I'm living in expecting the worst. Holding in fear. Hope for the best, expect the worst is not where I want to be, I got a reprieve once, for a short time and I want to be there again (someday). I want to be hoping for the best because the best is already being prepared, even if I'm not living in that now, I know its waiting for me.
Posted by Theresa at 8:32 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 7, 2011
2 to 5 - Years
2 to 5 years...sounds like a prison sentence doesn't it? It sounds that way to me and that's exactly what I thought of when I first heard this statement, a prison sentence. The familiar sound of what a judge renders when a jury returns with a verdict, indicating to the defendant how long they will be imprisoned. 2 to 5 years...where was this sentence going to be served and why did it sound like prison to me, immediately? Because that is what it sounded like - at least on the inside.

Posted by Theresa at 8:30 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 4, 2011
"Dare You to Move"

Posted by Theresa at 8:01 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 3, 2011
I know that all of you have been lost at one time or another. And I'm sure none of you started getting unlost by asking for directions. You, like me, probably tried to undo the lostness by backtracking your directions. Which when I say it is much easier than it seems because you literally have to 'flip' the directions and go the opposite way that you should have gone originally. And that is absolutely no fun! I generally know when I'm lost mostly because I have never known my left from my right and I inevitably say left when I actually mean right. Over the years I have stopped saying right or left when I'm in the passenger seat of the car (being the navigator) and started either snapping for left or tapping on the window for right; kind of a code that my husband and I have worked out, ok mostly me. Getting lost is actually very easy for me because of that failure to learn left from right, scary huh?
I especially hate having to go somewhere new in the dark and then getting lost. It's actually something that proably happens more often then not to most of us, trying to read directions by the car doom light and squinting at the small road signs looking for our turn, only to find out we missed it and we are on a dead end. A dead end that is at the bottom of a scary wooded area with few houses around and those that are around are dark and uninviting. Well there's a scary picture for your mind to dwell on or maybe that's what I intended for you to see. If you've ever been lost at night you know exactly what I am talking about and for most of us a scary movie will come to mind almost immediately. But what if you lived lost every day? What if when you got up in the morning and you didn't know who or where you were? You were lost. This probably happens more than I like to admit, it probably happens daily sometimes, and in all honestly-it's somewhat comfortable. I know - crazy! But there I am lost. The feeling of being lost is only comfortable to those of us who have been here before or for a long time and we 'move in'. This kind of lost is not as easy as back tracking, or stopping and asking for directions-its spiritual, and soulful lostness. How do you back track that? You can't, just in case you are wondering, you can't. Ezekiel 34:16 "I will search for the lost and bring back the strays, I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak.." I don't the backgrounds and laziness has me not really caring but this scripture was referenced in my husband's Bible in to those who are lost spiritually.
I can't back track from being lost, not now, there's no way back and it would take more than one flipped turn. But I know that sometime in the future, I will be unlost because whether I 'feel' it or not Someone is searching for me. And I know that sometime ago, at some point, I was found and now I am briefly lost again (I hope). Being lost is not just for the unbelieving and unknowing but for those, like me, who believe but can't see the way back. John 18:9 "This happened so that the words that he had spoken would be fulfilled "I have not lost one of those you gave me"." I am not sure if these two scriptures are connected in any way but to me they seem to be connected directly. I was an Ezekiel lost stray and about 3 years ago I was brought back. Now I am lost again but I have not been lost by Him because He hasn't lost anyone given Him. I wish I could get back sooner, maybe the lostness I 'feel' would subside more quickly. And over this week I have been realizing the lostness that I was denying and more and more I feel completely lost and yet John 18:9 stood out. Maybe John 18:9 it actually saying "I know you're lost right now, I know you feel apart from Me, but know that I am close even though you don't know it, know that even tho the directions are confusing and it is dark, you are not alone, and believe that I will not lose you and you are in Me."
Posted by Theresa at 9:20 AM 0 comments