Aren't knights in armor cool! I mean when I see them on the movies, they
just set the whole scene. They charge out to save the day and win. They joust and fight without thought of personal harm, they are just cool! I really like the fact that their armor is shiny and steel - or probably an iron casting that reflects all of the light around the knight and I imagine could probably blind the oncoming enemy. I think having an outfit like a knight would really, really intimidate anyone who wanted to come at me to hurt me. Yep I think an outfit like this would be exactly what I need for life.

I know that actually getting a knight's armor is impossible and even those armors in the movies aren't really metal armor. but when I am in a dilemnia or having a problem that could cause harm, I sure would like to have some armor on to help protect me.I have been in a dilemnia with my family (extended family that is) as of late. There seems to strife, anger, discontent, unhappiness, and fighting all around. My older nieces are not talking, my little brother and sister-in-law are causing an uproar, my Dad is causing worry and not to mention, it is extremely evident that my big brother is very ill and the doctors can not seem to figure out what is causing all of the problems that are occurring. Man some armor would be great right now. I could slip it on and commence to giving all my family a well deserved but whoopin'! Ok so maybe I shouldn't do that, but it does sound nice doesn't it, I could put on that armor and be totally invensible. These last couple of days, however, instead of wishing, hoping, or desiring the full body armor of a knight, I have been directed to the Armor of God (Eph 6:10). In one verse, the author (whom by the way I do not know) states to the Ephesians "put on the full Armor of God...for our struggle is not against blood and flesh, but against the rulers, authorities against the dark powers of this world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms". A spiritual war, hummm. Directly after that, the author tells his friends to put on the full Armor of God and throughout the remaining scriptures of this passage he indentifies the Armor.
I have prayed this over myself many times in the past but last night I was loosing a battle in the night with the enemy and God gave me Ephesians (the whole book). I have read it before, but this time I only read the first four 'chapters' (not sure if this is correct or not) and as I read the love that poured out of the author under the authority of God, I was moved and freed. It was as though somewhere in the dark the pressue of the problems with my family was lightened. But God's words were strong and stength in a way that was unbelievable and immeasurable. He completely calmed all of my heart and mind. The Armor
that God offers is more durable and stronger than any pieces of metal that I could physically put on my body. It covers me with all of the metal armor pieces but with a Godly presence. The Armor of a helmet, my helmet of salvation. The belt of Truth on my waist, breastplate of rightousness firmly on my chest, and my feet fitted with the readiness of the peace of the gospel. And finally, my shield of faith to extinguish arrows from the enemy and the sword of the Spirit (I mean what would armor be without a shield and sword to fight with). The picture is not deceiving, the Armor of God is a strong protectant against all attacks from the enemy. What I tend to miss is that the the strife, anger, discontent, fighting and unhappiness are not of the physical or the flesh. They apper that way, they mask their intentions to appear as from the physical but if I look deep they are attacks from the enemy army. I am often deceived that I can handle and take care of things, then God immediately reminds me that all things are not as they seem or appear and to quickly put on my Armor. I can only state that which I believe and know as Truth, the enemy is casting arrows in an attack. So, I will put on my Armor and stand firmly with God as my strength, my refuge, my "back up" and stand up to the attacks that are mounting.

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