Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Is There Something To Look Forward To?

I am always a forward looker (that can't be good english but oh well). I like to look forward to something that is coming up or what needs to happen by such and such date. And I know that there are some of you out there too. With that type of personality, I tend to be a procastinator! The wonderful art of delaying one project in the prospect of a different project coming to fruition much sooner....don't try to call it something else, its procastination. Except lately, I haven't had much to look forward to, I haven't even looked forward to riding any of my has been more of a job as opposed to something to look forward to. Something thats very odd for me, if you know me, its not really me to admit or say that about my horses.

That leads me to my question, is there something to look forward to? And if so, what? I am, by the way, open to any suggestions that may be out there lingering around. And my post from yesterday wasn't a 'looking' forward type thing to me it is a day by day thing something that I am, with all possible integrity, going to attempt to do every morning. That in and of itself is different that looking forward to something. So I still wonder if there is something to look forward to? Something that might spark a fire in my heart and spirit? Something to bring a light to my eyes and lightening of my life. Actually anything would be good at this point. And like my post from yesterday, I am still a couple days behind but I am attempting to stay devoted to a morning devotional time. And yesterday, yes yesterday, I started on January 1 for the devotional Streams in the Desert, sent to me by a friend of a friend last summer, and the year starts of with looking forward. I didn't honestly get it yesterday...more likely I didn't want to get it yesterday. I didn't want to know what there might be ahead for me and my family; and with that, I ignored the looking foward. I think that was the first problem because on January 2 the devotion was very lost to me,may more over my head than anything, so I went back to January 1 and re-read the brief scripture that was the base for the devotional.... Dueteronomy 11: 10-12. "The land you are entering to take over is not like the land of Egypt, from which you have come, where you planted your seed and irrigated it by foot as in a vegetable garden.But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven. It is a land the Lord your God cares for; the eys of the lor you God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end." First, you should know that for the longest time I thought that Dueteronomy was like Book II of the Bible. And I had no idea what the story of the Isrealites really was, well except the one that is told on TV every year. Remember, my journey with God didn't really start for me until 3 years ago. Second, you should know that when I read this yesterday (3 days late) I just read it because I decided to start doing a devotional and that's the only reason. Today, I am looking for something to answer my question...anything really. So what do I have to look forward to? Well not much from my personal perspective, but remember I'm looking for anything at all. And the answer I have is no, that's my answer. But I believe somewhere in my spirit that yes there is; I don't know or want to know what that is right now. And truthfully I don't want to look forward to anything; again my personal perspective. And yet, 3 days late to open up my devotional, there is a looking forward. I don't know much about the Isrealite except the usual. They were in Egypt, they were sent a prophet, Moses, and they were led out of Egypt after several plagues on the Egyptians, they received the 10 commandments while they were worshipping a false idle, and it took forever (actually 40 yrs) to get to the 'promised land'. I didn't know that God had told them so many things, that He told them what to look forward to, that they were going to posses the land, that they were going to do it freely with Him ahead of them. I didn't know alot more than that, and whether you admit it or not, I bet you didn't either. He did exactly that, He told them they wouldn't have to toil in the promised land, that they would have something to look foward to that was going to be 'given' to them. Something to look forward to!

How does this relate to me? Well I don't know but my guess is this....God has a plan and it may take me forever to get to the plan but He has it and when I get there to the place that He wants me to be, things will be easier. Sounds good huh?! Well that is if I'm willing to see it for what it is and 'take' possession of it. Not so sure if I'm there. I think I'm still the metaphorical Egypt, the place where I am toiling to get things to come to fruition or lack thereof. The place in my life where no matter what I feel like I am struggling to believe in something, anything better. But somewhere, out there, is the place that God has waiting for me, the place that I can believe and trust Him. The place that is filled with rains from heaven. The place that I can look forward to, the 'something' to look forward to. So is there something to look forward to? I want to believe there is, and He says there is, even if I'm not making it there yet or even in the future anytime soon, it's still there....something to look forward to.

(I should say that I have been in the 'anything' before catagory and it's not all it's cracked up to be. So this is a caveat for those reading this that might not be believers. When I was looking for anything at all in my life, I found things that were exactly that - anything. And those out there supplying the anything prey on those of us looking for anything. So be careful, be skeptical of the anything that sounds good on the surface because it probably isn't the anything your are really looking for.)