Friday, August 13, 2010

The Love Factor

I grew up, probably like you, saying 'oh I love that'. And at that time really in truly meaning it, flying from one thing to love to the next. From any food that was just amazing to any pet, friend, TV show, or as a teenager, young man. 'I love' this and 'I love' that became a thing that was more than just words as a young girl, they were the words I would live by. If I loved something it was all about that something, I loved to watch TV and so at one point I could have told you every TV show on every channel (mind you the local channels we didn't have cable) on every night and even the times. No need for my mom to have a TV Guide at all with me around. I loved to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with orange juice right after school, I know yuck right there's no way I'd eat those together anymore, but at one point in my life, every school day ended with that snack. I loved my first car all beat up and old as it was, I loved it. I loved my best friend and she was really the only true friend I had growing up in Kalkaska, so I clung to her alot for protection and to be accounted as someone. I loved finding a nitch with horses, something that I thought would go like other loves but has stayed indefinitely in my life. I loved my first true boyfriend, I mean who didn't!! I really thought that we would be in love forever, unitl I found out he was sleeping with a friend of mine. But I loved all the things about, I loved them.

Now as an adult, I have found a different kind of love, a love that is strong and true love, a love that isn't come and go, its here to stay. So what is love, and where does it come from? In 1Cor 13:4-8 says " Love is patient, love is kind. It does not evny, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not selfseeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. it always protect, always trust, always hopes, always perserveres. Love never fails..." I think that really seems to sum up what love really is, deep down love is all these things, true love holds all these attributes. This week, I found a deeper different love. I met a part of my 14yr old daughter, Sydney, that I hadn't met. Odd to say that, especially since she is my daughter, but I found something that I hadn't noticed before. She loves from her heart and carries her heart on her sleeve, something I already knew, but something she never did before was express it outwardly. This week every day in the morning after she leaves the house, I've been getting a text message from her that is a simple "I love you" or " Have a good day, I love you". How simple a set of words? How non complex or extreme? These three little words hold so much more than I thought. I love you has much much more meaning. I am patient, I will not be quick to anger, I do not keep your wrongs in my mind, I trust you without question, and I will never fail you.
I bet there are things you love, in different ways for different reasons, but it is real love or just the words?