Friday, August 6, 2010

The Deed to be Done!!

Remember being a kid and having chores to do at home, like dishes, trash, clean rooms and bathrooms, laundry day, etc? And like kids, we would delay, come up with excuses, find a way out of it, hunt for a way out of it (like homework), anything to avoid doing the chore! Tell the truth you know exactly what I'm talking about!!! Or how about homework where you'd get an assignment and you'd put it off until the night before it was due....ahh those were the days! Delay, delay delay!! Any excuse would work, and I do mean any excuse. I delay today to, now even as an adult, I delay work that could be done immediately for watching TV, riding a horse (sometimes), talking on the phone, playing on the computer, etc, etc, etc. I'm sure you do the same thing. I think all of us do, we just get tired of going from one thing to the next that when we get the change to not go to the next - we take every opportunity, or excuse, to not do it. So we delay, waiting until the very last minute to do the 'deed' that we have put off. For me, its usually when people are coming over, then it gets done.
My excuse lately has been reflective of those who didn't do things they were suppose to from the bible, I figure if they can do it well ... so can I. I mean that makes perfect, logical sense right??? Sure it does. Look at David he spent years yelling at God for foresaking him and David was mad for having to run and hide from Saul for years. So I'm good for yelling at God!! And Peter was not saint, he told Jesus he would die with Him and he would never deny Him. He delayed all those things. He outright denied Jesus, with no conviction, and he definitely (or as best as I can tell) out lived Jesus by many years. Ok so I'm good with denial and lying...whew! And look at the Isrealites, the complained to God to save them, then they were and then the delayed taking something that was theirs from God for 40 years!!! So, delaying is something that I'm definitely good with especially when a whole nation can do it for 40 yrs. Right? Maybe not........ David did a lot of yelling but he did just as much if not more praising of God during his trials. Do I do that? And Peter who was always messing up, became a rock foundation for Jesus's church. Am I part of that? And the Isrealites when you really look at them were a bunch of idiots. I mean really, 40yrs! But in the midst of these thousands of people God saved, 2 men, Caleb and Joshua, did not want to delay, they didn't see an obstacle but a promised home. Do I see that?
David spent days, sometimes weeks, without food talking to God and while yelling at Him, David found soltice and comfort in praise afterwards. And Peter, although the regular, in general screw up, gave everything he believed in to becoming something he didn't believe he could ever be, a foundation. Joshua and Caleb were the only 2 Isrealites from Egypt to see the promised land. So what deed need to be done? One of accepting forgiveness, one of becoming a foundation, and one of not delaying. I think Caleb and Joshua had it all figured out, " not be afraid....the Lord is with us.." (Num 14:9) I keep wondering if He is, maybe I need to stop wondering, stop worrying, and stop delaying. Maybe you do to.