Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Have you been somewhere and here a song that reminds you of a time or place or thing that was happening? My husband says that some songs make him 'taste' whee he was at, I think that's kind of odd, but he says he can smell and taste summer from his childhood. The smell of cut grass that leaves an odd familiar taste in your mouth. I don't have that reaction but I do know what it is like to 'remince' when a song comes on, back to a place or time that I remember clearly in my life. Kind of makes me think that my life was a little like that song.

About a year ago, I heard the song "Life Song" by Casting Crowns, have you heard it? In times when I want my life to be a song I make one up, try to force one into my life, when I heard this song I heard a different life, I heard what I want my life to sound like. How my life should sing about the life that Christ gave me without any trading or purchase on my part. How I should let my life be a song to others. Cool huh?? So why is that so hard? Why is that part of my life so hard to 'sing'? Well I'm not sure and don't think that I can tell anyone how that will work especially since I haven't made it yet. I have heard friends tell me that they can see a difference in my life and my families life and I take that to heart that God is actually in my life. But I can't see it, I don't see it, and maybe that's the goal. Instead of striving to make it happen, God just stepped in and it happened!

My lifesong? Not sure yet still trying to get to where God is leading me but I want my lifesong to sing to Him. I want those things that He produces, cures, heals, and shows to others. I guess that's the first part of the song, I wonder what the chorus and second stanza will sound like? How the melody and harmony will come together at the very end to make the song complete? I wonder, don't you? So what's your lifesong?