Our lives are very similar, we, humans, walk around looking for something to fill up that spot in our life. The hole or spot seems to be like a teenage boy with a endless stomach, no matter what you feed it it
just keeps eating. A lot of 'things' make up that hole and try to fill up that hole. I have no other way to describe the hole that was in my life except like a hole in a tree burrowed out by bees or some small animal. It was there and I couldn't close it up and it was dark, I couldn't see into it and I couldn't fill it up. The hole kept eating stuff too, things kind of stuff. Anything that I could throw into it to satisfy it I would throw there, almost to the point of frustration. I did many many things in my life that I am not proud of, nor am I meant to forget them, I have been forgiven of them but they are part of my life for a reason. They were the 'things' I used to fill up my spot or hole. Those things ranged from running from my marriage to bringing horses to my home during a drought (oddly probably the last straw). The more I did or got the more the spot wanted .... "feed me seymour" is all I can hear (little laugh there). But that's exactly what it was like, feed me, feed me, feed me...you're not satisfied, feed me. Why did allow this spot or hole control my life? Because I didn't have what I needed to fill it up...water.

In John 7:38 Jesus said "Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." What does that mean? What water? Where is this water? Well these are all questions that I had when I first started hearing God speak to me about changing my life and to stop trying to fill that spot. I mean I wanted to know why I had to do this for God, who
says I have to be filled with this "water"? Well that question consumed my life for about a year, and what I found was I was empty, very, very empty. All the things...horses, house, land, children, career, stuff....all those things weren't filling me up, I thought those things were what I needed. Until......Until, I was asked to give something up. I was asked to give up control, power, and authority in our family to Lee, my husband. I was asked to get rid of horses because, among other things, 'we' couldn't afford them. Well my first question was why? My answer, because I asked you to do this for Me. That's all I could get, "because I asked you to for Me". So I let horses go, something that I hated but hid very well; then I let go of money authority..augh; then I was asked to follow and let God fill me up with His "living water". I have no desire to want anything, not really, not anything that I couldn't live without anyway.

The "desires" that I tried to fill my life with weren't cutting the mustard, the spot just wanted more and more until I couldn't see the end. The "things" were slowly killing me, not physically but emotionally. I was pulling away from my family and filling those spots with other things. I can't even begin to tell anyone how much I have changed and how much I don't want to have things fill my spot, I only need the living water of Christ. What I had to loose before is unknown. My question to you is what do you have to loose in allowing Christ to fill your spot?
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