Just for clarity the sunrise this morning did not look like this picture but it has before looked like this picture. A morning when you wake up and the first thing you see is long reaching rays of light sneaking from behind heavy clouds. It's amazing and, like me, I'm sure you have a tendency to stare at a sunrise like this. This morning, however, the sun was full and bright - nothing hiding its power. These are the mornings that start off absolutely peaceful and then when you get behind the steering wheel of your car, it's blinding! Flip you visors down, put on the sunglasses, move around in the seat to get the exact place where the sunlight isn't beaming in your eyes and you can still see in front of you, all the mirrors and the inevitable stop light.
Driving in this morning the sun beaming low in the East, I found that it wasn't really that bright. I didn't need the visor or an inevitable adjustment of sitting position to be able to see. It's that way with my walk with God and I tend to lien to the fact that most of us fall into this area. When we see God work in our life or in the lives of friends and family around us, it's amazing - we see the brilliant rays of His work reaching from behind a fog or cloud cover. Then we grow, change, start to see God's move and real work and it's brilliant, almost blinding. So, first reaction, put the visor down. We can still see the road, or path, directly in front of us and that is all we tell ourselves we need to see "just where I'm going". Until that road makes a turn that we weren't expecting, then the bright light of the sun sneaks through between
the visor and the rear mirror. Augh! Blinded for just a second; quickly we close our eyes to regroup our sight. Adjust the sitting position, move the visor, put on the sun glasses!! Ah, relief, shade, cover.

Daily we put on our sun glasses to God. While these glasses are spiritual glasses they go on immediately and stay on without adjustment. God's movement, work, love, and presence is brilliant. So much so that when we get a glimpse of it, we immediately put on our protection, sunglasses. These "shades" were called "scales" in Acts. Saul was blinded on his way to Damascus by the living Christ. When he was healed, by those who he was going to persecute, "immediately something like scales fell from his eyes..." Saul could see. I know in this story, Saul was actually blinded in the physical; but God removed not only the physical blindness but also the spiritual blindness, our sunglasses, that Saul was wearing. Saul saw for the first time, the true movement of God and didn't turn away.
Wouldn't my life be unbelievable if everyday I could see God move and work and not put on my sunglasses. I'm working toward that day, slowly but the push from behind is getting stronger and the brilliant light in front of me is not so blinding.
I think that most of us are on this road, the road that is visible one day and so brilliant the next that we have to put on our sunglasses. Maybe, just maybe, the light is suppose to make us blink for a second (a completely human reaction), but then I believe we are suppose to go by blind faith toward the brilliant light that is shining ahead of us. Seeing is believing is the old saying, but believing is knowing. Knowing that God has it all under control and He wants us to walk into His clear light, His direction, and know it is Him.
Sorry, I'm a little slow in reading your blog. I am also a little intimidated to write anything, how can I compare to what you are writing. Don't let other people make you put your sunglasses on or make you look or turn away from the light. Today you were being influenced by somebody else to look away even though you knew it was the wrong thing to do. I know you did the right thing today by sending the package no matter what the outcome is.
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