Thursday, July 29, 2010

Against All Odds

For those of you who don't know this was a song and also a movie title... way back when, when Phil Collins still wrote and sang new songs and the movies were very long and with full dialect and a point to them.... Ok so why this title, well believe it or not because of what Job went thru in his life. Kaleb used to be amazed that Lizzie didn't know who Job was because, as he would say, "Job is one of the most important people in the bible". And then he would go on to tell her that it was ridiculous that she didn't know who Job was and then begin to tease her about not knowing others in the bible. A bantering that would continue for a little while and then end. Its funny how I remember little things like this converstaion with Kaleb in it, odd too I think. But against all odds it seems that these types of conversations, small as they are, keep popping up in my head. And I remember another conversation with Kaleb, one that happened shortly before he was saved, when he got in the car from youth and I asked what they all heard about that night. He immediately said Paul and then said "Did you know that Paul wasn't always Paul? And that he was not a very good man? And if God can save Paul than anyone can be saved." And the one when he realized that Caleb and Joshua were the only two people from Egypt that made it to the promised land and that Joshua and Caleb were the only two who trusted God enough to want to take on the whoeverites prior to the Isrealites wandering in the desert for 40 yrs. That little fact made Kaleb amazed at his name and the journey of his name.... against all odds.

So what sparked this journey this morning, Job's life. Against all odds, Job persevered through the loss of his entire family, loss of wealth, loss of friends, loss of his physical health, and loss of some of his faith for a little while and then persevered thru the trial that he was in and against all odds he was blessed 7 times over. So how did Job perserver? What did he have that we don't see? I have no idea!!!! And how did he get thru the years of pain and suffering to blessings and life? Again no idea!!!! But I can guess, I think its because he was blasted by all of his spiritual leaders, family members and friends to be against and despise God and he didn't, instead he talked to God. Job listened to God and God responded promptly and with info to Job to perserver. I guess that's the answer that Job just listened to what God had to say. Maybe that's the answer.. to listen to God speak. And someone asked me how do we know when God speaks? I think He still speaks, truthfully I do, I just think that our heads become so full of stuff that we don't hear his voice. Not the loud voice but the voice that is speaking in situations, circumstances, friends, family, books, and the bible. That voice. And even when I'm not listening - someone is, and the words get to me somehow, in some way, from somewhere - even when I don't want to hear them. And against all odds no matter how bad the place I'm in is, His voice still resounds, soft and in the distance but still there. Do you hear it?